Saturday, January 31, 2009

365/31 - Racing at the Dallas Bull

It was Jim Beam night up at the Dallas Bull and on display was Robby Gordon's race car, sponsored by Jim Beam.

Friday, January 30, 2009

365/30 Gerdau Ameristeel Miami Dolphins Sculpture

Ameristeel has sculptures on display for all of the previous Super Bowl winning teams. The photo of this one turned out to be my fav. The town is getting absolutely crazy! People, traffic,'s much more outrageous than the last time we hosted.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

365/28 - Freeze Meets Sheffelera

We were hit with back-to-back freezes recently and it sure took its toll on the foliage. This beautiful plant in my neighbors yard shows it here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

365/27 - Icy Morning

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......this is the chilly morning I woke up to. I live in Florida. We're not supposed to have so much cold, but we have. And the colds and flu bugs to with it. I've been sick since the beginning the month and am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

365/27 Foxy Roxy

This is my daughter's dog....well, her "daughter" and she (the dog) lives with us. She's not happy about all. She was raised the first four years spending every minute of the day with her "mom" when she wasn't in school or at work. She's a beautiful, smart girl, but she's also a self-centered, spoiled brat! lol! Just ask her big brother, Black Jack.

Monday, January 26, 2009

365/26 & 29 ESPN's Super Bowl VIP Party Tent

Here's the ESPN Super Bowl VIP Party Tent going up. They bought out an entire large public parking lot for this event and they've been working away like ants on a hill especially when the rain from the cold front was coming through.

Friday, January 23, 2009

365/23 Delilah Doesn't Like The Freeze

She likes her top down and this frost isn't making her happy! And this was at nearly 10 am! It sucks that I was sick and couldn't get my plants covered they're toast now.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

365/22 Vulnerable

Well, I was sick as a dog....all snotty and coughing for three days. And now....I have bronchitis. Hey, at least it waited until after the holidays!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

365/21 - Cow Slippers

OMG! Aren't these the cutest slippers ever??! I saw these in Walgreens and had to get a shot, which I will definitely have to share with my "Herd" pals.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

365/21 - Cow Slipper

I saw this slipper at Walgreens and had to pull out my phone and snap a shot to share with my "Herd" girlfriends.

365/20 - Change/Inauguration Day

This is pretty self-explanatory, I guess. January 20th of this year is said to be the beginning of an era of "change". I believe it. We've been in the midst of a shift for a couple of years now. I truly believe that we will be changing our ways of living, our ways of working (if we're lucky enough to still have a job) and our ways of relating to one another. There will be a lot more of getting back to the basics all the way around. And it's about time, I'd say.

Monday, January 19, 2009

365/19 Sleepy Head

My poor little Scooter-Doodle. She was coming down with the ickies and had played hard all day. She just laid herself down on Nano's big ole chair and fell right to sleep.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

365/17 & 18 - The Dude

My little dude. He's so cute and what a flirt! Poor guy's been down with a cold off and on for weeks now and just keeps hanging in there. So Nano bought him and Sissy a sherbet from the Ice Cream truck. Boy were they happy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

365/16 - Kicking Back's Friday night, we're staying home and I'm just kicking back and playing with photos and chatting with my flickr buds. I've become so addicted to my photography, editing, posting and chatting in my groups that it's hard to get anything done around the house; Shameful isn't it?'s short and if I can't be out on the boat with my husband spending a day fishing (and taking pics of course!), this is what I want to do when I'm not working, lol!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

365/15 - I Need a Vacation!

Every time one of us at work goes somewhere we bring back a magnet. I sure would like to add....oh, about five or more to the collection this year! Other than Cozumel, mine are all from the home front. There are others on here from Australia, Russia ...blah, blah, blah. I'm jealous! Well, not jealous of Russia...I can't say that I want to go there. I would like to go to the Mediterranean and see Spain, Greece and Italy. I'd also like to go to Scotland and Ireland. And a trip to Australia and Amsterdam would be awfully nice as well :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

365/14 - Partying in the Bull Pen

Now isn't this a motley crew?! LOL! This is my husband a just a few of his drinkin' buddies. They are a wild a crazy bunch of guys.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

365/13 - The Drive In To Work - Super Bowl Construction

.......and then you have to turn around the next morning and do it again.

This drive has been a pain in the ass because they are ....well, I'm not sure what the hell they've been doing other than blocking my lane and because there are cars from merging traffic coming in from the right wanting to get in the far left lane at the same time, it's amazing there haven't been some real big smash-ups. I'm sure it has to do either with the interstate construction or Super Bowl "beautification". We didn't get any new palm trees this time, though. The last time we hosted they put new trees all over the place!

Monday, January 12, 2009

365/12 - The Drive Home - Floridan Hotel..sort of

Nothing like heading home after a long, long day! Sorry, I have nothing too exciting or interesting to post today, but I will point out that the far building in this picture is theFloridan Hotel.

The hotel was constructed and opened in 1927, with 19 floors and more than 300 rooms, costing $1.9 million to build by The Francis J. Kennard company. At the time the Floridan was the tallest building in Florida.

The hotel was a popular nightspot during World War II catering to servicemen who were training at nearby Drew Field to fly B-17s over Europe. Many of the service men at that time were housed in makeshift barracks located underneath the bleachers at the fair grounds racetrack a few blocks away. Even stars such as Elvis Presley stayed at the hotel in 1955 after a concert at the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory. (My second-cousin had her picture taken with him at that concert)

The hotel began to decline in patronage in the early 1960’s as more modern “motels” were built along the highways that skirted the city. By the 1980’s the once grand and luxurious hotel had become a residence for transients renting rooms by the day, the week or month. The Floridan Hotel finally closed its doors in 1987. The Hotel was purchased in 2005 by former hotel owner and real-estate investor Antonios Markopoulos, who plans on restoring it to its former glory. The Floridan's original sign was recently restored and placed on the hotels roof top, painted bright red. The hotel is undergoing extensive renovations in anticipation of the 2009 Super Bowl.

On March 12, 1996, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

365/11 - Crows Flight

After hearing flock after flock of different species of birds flying over our house, it took the Crows to get my attention and realize.....I've got my shot of the day! You can sure tell that winter has set in up north.

365/10 - Contemplation

This is pretty much how I'm feeling today. Issues of tough-love and how heartbreaking it is when you have to be firm for your grown child's own sake, hoping that the negative caused by the action is going to be outweighed by the good it generates.

365-9 We're Number One! Go Gators! it's carry-over from the previous post. But it qualifies since it's 7 minutes into the next day, hehehe. And I want to stretch that Championship celebration as long as I can! We're Number One, babeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

365/8 - Champion UF Coach Urban Meyer

Now THIS is the best photo I could possibly get all year. Too bad it was from the TV and not in person. I'm born and raised a 3rd generation Florida Gator Fan and this was one HELL of a game...the icing was that we won!

365/7 - Sunset Drive

I grabbed this shot on my camera phone on the drive home. I just couldn't resist this sunset...but who CAN resist a Florida sunset?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

365/5 Emergency Room

This was the view for about 3 1/2 hours as we waited for Ashley to be released to go home.

365/4 Funeral Bulletin

Today was Aunt Phyliss's funeral. I spent most of the day driving because I had to pick up Mom in Hudson to take her with me to the funeral home in Brandon and take her back home again. Around 11:00 we got a call from Ashley that she was having cramps and was headed to the ER in Plant City. As you will see, that is tomorrow photo because we were there until 2:30 am.

365/3 Out with the Old

So this is what I spent the day doing. Before, you couldn't even see the chair! lol! And soon the chair will go, too. Have to make room for my filing cabinet.

365/2 Jason Young Band

We spent a great night with our friends Veronica and Jason and watched his band play at Wild Wings Cafe.

365/1 Silly Man, Silly Man

My silly husband...I can always count on him for a laugh. Actually, New Years was pretty mellow. Not a super fun night...not bad ....but pretty uneventful.